Food Safety and Quality

The truth is, fresh whole potatoes are among the safest foods available.  For centuries, potatoes have been a safe and nutritious staple food source for millions of people worldwide.

In addition to the inherent safety of fresh potatoes, Wallace Farms is committed to the food safety standards of the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI). Wallace Farms utilizes the PrimusGSF food safety management scheme.  Our potato fields, our packing facility and our food safety systems are inspected and audited each season by Primus Labs to ensure compliance with Food Safety Management Systems ("FSMS"), Good Agricultural Practices ("GAP"), Good Manufacturing Practices ("GMP") and the application of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points ("HACCP").  We are dedicated to food safety so that our customers and consumers can rest assured that our potatoes are the finest and safest available.

Potato Flower 1Over the 10-year period from 2005 to 2015, our average packinghouse food safety  audit score is 98.7% – "superior".




Wallace Farms does not plant genetically modified seed.



Wallace Farms is fully compliant with the Produce Traceability Initiative.  This means that every case or master container of potatoes displays  information including:

  • A 14-digit GTIN number (industry standard format) for each unit configuration that identifies our farm, and indicates the pack date and the field  code.
  • Plain text information on our packaging that communicates this data in a human-readable format.
  • A bar code that provides the same information in machine readable format.

Consumer  packages such as poly bags have tags that display the field code and the pack date.